HER-Story: Brooks Betts (Dibble)
Tell us a little about yourself.
I live in Fairfield with my husband John and our three kids, Nolan (10) and twins Connor + Cece (6 ½). I worked in magazine publishing and marketing strategy for nearly 20 years until a gradual pivot led me to the intuitive work I am doing now. Through my own healing and journey of deeper self-understanding, I reconnected with my intuitive gifts which now fuel my offerings as a Reiki Master, Breathework + Meditation guide, Intuitive Mentor and Writer.
When I’m not working, on the sidelines of my kids’ sports games, or with my family + friends, you can find me day dreaming in a cozy coffee shop or somewhere near the water - the beach is my happy place!
How and when do you start your day?
When you have babies + toddlers, you’re just surviving - you’re soaking up every minute of sleep and rest you can. A few years ago, I realized I was starting most mornings with adrenaline coursing through my veins - reacting to someone(s) calling my name. I realized I needed to make a change. What was 10 mins of sleep in the scheme of things? So, I started getting up 10 mins before my kids and I’d roll over and hit play on a guided meditation while I was still half asleep in bed. It was a starting point, and it was what worked for me at that time.
For the past two years, I get up 30 mins before my kids do and I enjoy a cup of coffee (setting up the timed auto-brew feature is a game-changer!) in silence while I breathe, meditate + journal. Starting the day proactively vs. reactively has had a positive ripple effect on nearly every area of my life. And let’s face it…what’s better than a silent house in the morning light?
What are you most excited about these days?
My kids’ ages - they’re so fun to hang out with! Having baby twins (and a toddler) was tough, and as things get “easier” I am starting to acknowledge just how tough it was. This is a really fun stage we’re in and I have a lot of gratitude for it and excitement for what’s ahead.
What is the best compliment you have ever received?
“You make me feel safe.”
That’s one I don’t take lightly - and it’s why my current work feels so aligned with who I am and what I’m here to do.
What is the biggest learning experience you've had?
Hands down, becoming a mom. These kids teach us so much, it’s just a matter of shifting into that perspective, which isn’t always easy.
What inspires you?
My kids
Beaches and sleepy beach towns
Creative people
Local creators and the brands they’re building - like Floraco!
What is one thing people don't know about you?
I’ve got a reputation as a “gets it done” kind of person - I’m organized and hard working, but the truth is my head is in the clouds more than most people would think. It’s a polarizing juxtaposition of my Capricorn Rising and Pisces Sun - and I’m constantly working on balancing those energies!
What makes you feel like the most yourself?
I feel most like myself laying in the sun after a dip in the salty sea. My body feels calm and my mind feels clear; I’ve always loved this feeling since I was a kid!
What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
I studied abroad in Seville, Spain during college and looking back at that time, I’m in awe of the bravery it took. Keep in mind this was before smartphones! I literally was dropped off at the doorstep of an old Spanish woman who spoke zero English and was told to tell her “Soy La Americana” - I mean, hysterical right? This was my home for 4 months. I learned a lot about myself during that semester, tried so many new things and gained a lot of self-confidence.
What is an important business lesson you have learned?
Intuition has a place in the workplace.
When I think back on my 15+ years working in media + marketing, I remember feeling a lot of pressure, stress and worry. It was a culture of survival and I was achieving, but from a state of fight or flight. Intuition had no presence in how I worked or managed relationships at work - and it’s something I use as my guiding light in work now and feel passionately about sharing with other women in business.
What is something you wish you would have known when you were younger?
I wish I knew that not everything had to be hard, that things can be fun and flowy (and even easy!) and still be valuable. Your value is not commensurate with how much you’ve suffered, how hard you’ve worked or how tired you are. Burnout + busy are not badges of honor.
What is the best piece of advice you have received or have given to someone else?
I go back to this one all the time…”If it’s not a HELL YES, then it’s a no.”
How and when do you end your day?
I love to light my Floraco “The Floraco” candle while I’m doing the evening wind-down routines at home. After the kids go to bed, my husband and I hang out, dive into whatever show we’re watching and head to bed by ten. I usually take a shower, bath and/or Palo Santo to clear off my energy before bed and roll on my Floraco “Tranquility” or “Inner Peace” perfume roller.
Thank you, Brooks for being apart of our Floraco Family!
We adore you!
Photography Credits:
Color Photographs: Abby Cole Photography
Black and White: Peter Stack Photography