Her-Story: Alexis Lawton
Tell us a little about yourself. (Family, Job, hobbies)
I live with my three young children who are my greatest gurus and my loving and supportive husband and soulmate. I am also an ever-unfolding creative (I think we are all artists) in the divine feminine healing arts. I resonate deeply with the symbol of the rose and the energy of light. I host sacred group gatherings and magical heart-centered events in my temple space in Westport, CT. In my work, I support others to connect to their energetic bodies and their truth with practices all rooted in the feminine heart. I also do 1:1 healing lightwork for those who want to, more privately, dive deeper into their own power and magic and who are ready for the 1:1 support to make big shifts and/or heal and move lower vibe energy from difficult/challenging situations (past or present).
The feminine has been silenced and under-valued for a long time but that is beginning to shift. Priestesses rising in the world right now are being asked to hold compassionate and unconditionally loving space for the complexity of a world that is changing. A world that seeks more balance and therefore needs to put a higher value on connections, emotions, softness, creativity, and a heart-centered (vs. logical and mind-focused) approach to life. I love yoga, dance, walking, hiking, boating (and any water sport) and being with groups of people that I love and that love me.
How and when do you start your day?
I would love to get up every day before the kids and create a sacred way to start my day (and some days I do), but honestly, most days my 3 year old son wakes us up very early. When I do get up earlier than him or make space for myself when the kids are all off to school, I lean back into my feminine energy and into the back side of my body and connect to the back of my heart. The energy here is gentle, spacious, connected to everything, and where I can soften into my own presence. A presence that is calm, limitless, and infinitely powerful. I love helping other women find this too. The magic is within us and we can connect to it anytime. I also love walking outside in the early morning hours whenever I do get up early, listening to the birds and feeling the energy before the buzz of everyone's day begins. It is very peaceful and a special time to hear the quiet voice inside of you without all of the distractions and noise a day (and children) can bring.
What are you most excited about these days?
My life. I feel so blessed with this beautiful, extraordinary life.
What is the best compliment you have ever received?
In my work, the best compliment I have ever received is when someone told me that I changed their life. I am beyond honored and humbled to be able to use my gifts to support others in this way. In my personal life, the best compliments I receive are ones made out of love or appreciation. That always feels good.
What is the biggest learning experience you've had?
Becoming a mother.
What inspires you?
My own joy, and every person I get to connect with.
What is one thing people don't know about you?
Some people might not know that I love to ride horses.
What makes you feel like the most yourself?
When I am in my joy- either holding sacred ceremony space with open hearts in circle, or spending quality time with my immediate and extended family.
What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
Skydiving in New Zealand while studying abroad or being the mother of 3 children- every day is an adventure.
What is an important business lesson you have learned?
If you can find something you love to do, do that.
What is something you wish you would have known when you were younger?
It is 100% ok to be 100% yourself 100% of the time.
What is the best advice you have received or given to someone else?
Follow your heart. Our hearts were always meant to be the motherboards. Our heads/minds are meant to serve our hearts, not the other way around.
How and when do you end your day?
It really depends on the day, but I generally reflect on everything I am grateful for and read. I aim to go to bed pretty early most nights. I’ve always been more of a morning person.
Thank you so much for sharing a bit of yourself with us.